Free download AceReader Elite

AceReader Elite

Speed Reading, Assessment and Online Reader Software. Improve your reading skills by training with Drills, Games
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14 votes
File size
46.8 MB
Release date
3 February 2014

Editor's review

This is a software tool to help you speed up reading and comprehension.

This software tool helps speed reading, reading fluency, training your vision to skim printed lines faster, and has reading assessment and online reader software. The software combines a training tool for higher proficiency in reading, an assessment tool that measures your progress and an online reading tool to help you read faster online. There are three ways this tool could be used. First is as a reading improvement course. The second mode is the menu mode. The third mode is the expert mode for practice, once you have reached the expertise level. The course mode is a self-paced course for learning the techniques. After you have learnt the basics, you could pick and choose items that need more practice. In the expert mode you are able to load your own content (i.e. documents, Web pages ...). You are allowed to set the display mode and speed.

Out reading speeds can be subverted by bad habits like the sub-vocalization and regression. Tachistoscope techniques help pace eye movement and break the bad habits that slow us down. Training drills include reading comprehension tests that are timed, eye pacing drills and eye exercise games. Your performance is logged and charted so that drills can be changed to cater to improvements. Lots of customization helps tune the course/tests to the exact need of your trainees. Parameters that can be tweaked include font, colors, display modes, speeds, delays, bookmarks, column width, hotkeys, etc. The deluxe version lets the tests, drills and games be customized. This is a very good product. If you are looking for a similar solution, you should try it in your exact workflow.

Publisher's description

Speed Reading, Reading Fluency, Vision Training, Reading Assessment and Online Reader Software for all ages. AceReader Pro provides you with three tools in one: (1) A training tool that will help you become a more proficient reader both online and offline. (2) An assessment tool to assess and track your reading level. (3) An online reading tool to help you read more efficiently while online.
There are three ways to use the program: (1) Course Mode, (2) Menu Mode, and (3) Expert Mode. The Course Mode walks you through a self-adjusting automated course. The Menu Mode gives you more control by allowing you to pick and choose from a menu of training activities. The Expert Mode gives you full control by allowing you to load your own content (i.e. documents, Web pages ...) and letting you set the display mode and speed. The Expert Mode can be used for training purposes and/or as an Online Reader to help you read more efficiently while you are on your computer.
The program uses Tachistoscope technology to pace eye movement, which can help you break bad reading habits such as sub-vocalization and regression. Training activities include: Timed Reading Comprehension Tests, Eye Pacing Drills and fun Eye Exercise Games. Includes 13 levels of reading material (grades 1-12 plus adult-level). Drills automatically adjust training speed relative to your personal reading ability. The program logs and graphs results for accountability.
The software includes extensive administration and customization options. You can set font, colors, display modes, speeds, delays, bookmarks, column width, hotkeys... Deluxe versions allow you to customize the Tests, Drills and Games.
VERSION INFORMATION: (1) AceReader Pro (single user home Classic edition), (2) AceReader Elite (New! Multi-user/family edition), and (3) AceReader Elite Network (New! Network school edition). NOTE: Spanish editions are also available.
AceReader Elite
AceReader Elite
Version 10.0
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